Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.
– Paul J. Meyer
Three weekends in Tallinn
F 18-21, Sat 10-18 (lunch 13-14.30), Sun 10-13
I Group
29.-31.01; 26.-28.02; 11.06-13.06.2021
II Group
22.-24.10; 3.-5.12.2021; 28.-30.01.2022
Special price for registrations before 26.09.2021.
III Group
25.-27.02; 8.-10.04; 6.-8.05.2022
Special price for registrations before 9.01.2022.
All courses will be in English.
Special price 420.-, full price 460.- (with possibility to pay in three parts).
Course deposit 60.- (15% of course fee) shall be paid after registration.
From isolation to better relations
“One cannot not communicate”, that is the first of the “five basic axioms” from the well-known Psychologist Paul Watzlawick. Based on that we can enlarge this axiom by underling that there is no no-relationship. Even silence in a relationship represents a quality of communication and of the relationship. So, communication and relationship are two very strange factors of human beings, very crucial ones! And in every case, it is not only an academic topic as we all know from our everyday experiences.
Without good communication there is no good relationship. It sounds as trivial truth, but to live it is often hard. The hardship we experience in our intimate relations when the wish for connection ends up with fight and isolation. At work in the form of disagreements which seem to have no other solutions than to leave. For some the communication can be so difficult to handle, that it is easier to hide between protective home walls than to create meaningful friendships.
Without good relations our wellbeing also physical and mental health are in danger.
But what is good relationship and good communication?
For sure there is no short and fast definition and solution. It´s more a very individual expedition, based of the very single experiences, wishes and needs. But is worthwhile!
The course is for those who value deeply meaningful relations and are ready to work for them. To ones who are eager to have an insight what are the obstacles and what are the needs in regard of one own relations.
In the course we work on following topics:
- Me and my relations – what is? what is missing? what do I need?
- Insight to past experiences which hinder the contact and communication.
- Theory about complexity of communication to raise awareness about listening and sharing.
Be ready to work on yourself in a group of supporting people. The course will be in English.
The course leaders are Gestalttherapist and Organisational Consultant Kaire Talviste and Social Scientist, Gestalttherapist and Coach Oliver Baiocco.