Graniidi 1 Tallinn, Tasapisi Tasakaal

8.-10.03. and 29.-31.03.
in Tallinn
Language: English
Fee: 440.- (registrations before 25.02.2024), later 490.-

The Art of Relation and Communication VII
8.-10.03., 29.-31.03. in Tallinn
F 14-21, Sat 10-18 (lunch 13-14.30), Sun 10-15
6 days (44 academic hours)
“One cannot not communicate”, that is the first of the “five basic axioms” from the well-known Psychologist Paul Watzlawick. Based on this idea, we can conclude that there can`t be non-relationship. Even silence in a relationship represents a quality of communication and of the relationship.
Communication and relationship are two very crucial factors of human beings and by no means solely an academic topic as we all know from our daily experiences.
There is no good relationship without good communication. To put this trivial knowledge into practice can become quite difficult. Difficulties become apparent in our intimate relationships when the desire for connection ends up with struggle and isolation. In the same way in the workplace in the form of disagreements, which seem to have no other solutions than to leave the job. For some, the communication can be so difficult that it is easier to hide between protective home walls than to create meaningful friendships.
Without good relationship, our well-being as well as our physical and mental health are at stake.
How to create meaningful relationships and have good communication?
There is certainly no short definition, neither a quick solution. Rather, it is a very individual expedition, based of very single experiences, ones wishes and needs. It is worthwhile to start the journey to discover oneself in the field of relationships.
This course is intended for those who value meaningful relationships and are ready to put ones energy into creating them. For those who want to get deeper understanding of ones own obstacles and blind spots in communication and the way of being in the relations.
In the course we work on following topics:
- me and my relationships – what do I have now? what is missing? what do I really need?
- discovering previous experiences of contact and communication with fresh eyes
- A theory of the complexity of communication to raise awareness about listening and sharing.
Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.
– Paul J. Meyer
Description of the training curriculum
Curriculum title: The Art of Relationships and Communication
Curriculum group: 0031 personal development
Conditions for starting studies: free preliminary interview, where you can ask questions related to the course to ensure sufficient information and a supportive environment for course participants.
Target group: the course is for adults who want to discover their own behavioral and communication patterns, to raise awareness around the new possible ways of communication. The course is suitable for those who want to improve their skills in the workplace, which requires daily communication (teachers, HR managers, support professions), but also for parents and couples who want to use their knowledge and experience in their close relationships.
Curriculum length: 44 academic hours
Language: English
Goal: the aim of the course is to improve one’s communication skills and the quality of relationships through new knowledge, deeper awareness and experience, thus ensuring greater life satisfaction and better mental health.
Learning outcomes: after completing the course, the participant is more aware of one’s relationship dynamics, behavior patterns and barriers to communication. Can analyze oneself better and manage one’s behavior in relationships. S/he has more choices in how to respond to different situations in the way that the relationships are better supported.
Learning content:
- Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (Watzlawik, Schulz von Thun)
- 5 Pillars of Identity (Petzold)
- Four Ear Theory (Schulz von Thun)
- Attachment Theory (Bolwby)
- Metacommunication and the Johari Feedback Window
- additional materials and reading suggestions.
Learning methods: sharing experiences, lectures, discussions, body-work, practical exercises, imaginary journeys and experiments to encourage deeper self-analysis.
Learning environment: training room in House Tasapisi Tasakaal Graniidi 1 in Tallinn. The maximum number of students is 12. Coffee and tea breaks with snacks are included in the course price.
Graduation conditions and certificate: a certificate with course data is issued to the student by completing the course.
Course leaders: Gestalt Therapist and Organizational Consultant Kaire Talviste and Social Scientist, Gestalt Therapist and Coach Oliver Baiocco.
You are welcome to join the course if you have sufficient knowledge in English to take part of the training. Estonian state COVID-19 regulations need to be followed.
- Special price of 440.- for registrations before 25.02.2024
- Full price 490.-
- Course deposit half of the fee shall be paid after registration.
- The participation fee can be paid in two installments, the second part before the start of 2nd cycle.
If for unexpected reasons the course can`t be started at promised time, we will find new dates as soon as possible. Participant has the right to withdraw from the commitment to the course and get back the deposit money or s/he can also use it for registration to the next course.
Practical information
We recommend to dress comfortably so that it would be easy to follow body-work and exercises which contain movement. According to the internal rules of the house, we kindly ask you to take along indoor shoes or socks as it is forbidden to wear outdoor shoes inside.
We ask the participant of the course to come as accurately as possible. Please notify us of the delay or non-arrival as soon as possible.
Upon completion of the course, the participant will receive a certificate of participation.