Graniidi 1 Tallinn, Tasapisi Tasakaal – March 17th

Self-care at the time of Ukraine war
Thursday 17-20
The pandemic has hit us hard for the last two years. Everyday limitations, insecurity and fear of the disease have accompanied us. And now the war! Not far away, close to our doorstep.
For days we have watched the war images in incomprehension and horror. We are short of words, we feel anger and helplessness, we want to understand and support.
How to deal with this situation? How can we protect ourselves from images and terrible stories, fears and doubts?
Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist who survived the horrors of the Auschwitz concentration camp, wrote in his book, that only the one who loses courage and hope is lost.
Even if it’s sometimes hard to believe – we’re not helpless.
The meaning of life must be found within oneself, because “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.”
Gestalt therapy as a humanistic and existential approach supports by finding our strengths through our minds and bodies, being aware of oneself at the contact boundary.
In this workshop:
- we create a space to share thoughts and feelings
- come to rest together to take a deep breath
- sensitize ourselves for the here and now
- connect with our body and feel it consciously
Science knows the power of community, solidarity and mutual support. Let’s do something together, create our meaning and strengthen each other.
Leaders Gestalt Therapists Kaire Talviste and Oliver Baiocco.
- March of 17 at 17-20, Tasapisitasakaal (Tallinn, Graniidi 1), in English
- participation fee 15 euros (payment can be made on spot)
- registration: