Graniidi 1 Tallinn, Tasapisi Tasakaal

Language: English
Fee: 540.- (registrations before 3.03.2023), later 590.-
Narration of my life and the meaning
1o.-12.03., 7.-9.04., 5.-7.05.2023 Tallinn
F 18-21, Sat 10-18 (lunch 13-14.30), Sun 10-13
9 days (50 academic hours)
In our first workshop “The art of relationship and communication” we discussed the main human forces – connectedness and isolation. In this second workshop we will go even deeper, on a journey that is not only within us but also outside us. It is a tour de force that encompasses every aspect of our lives. It is about the meaning of our life. German psychologist and Auschwitz survivor Viktor Frankl was presenting the idea, that our purpose is not given by life, but life demands from us: “What is the meaning of your life?”
In the first weekend we begin the journey with the question: “What is the narrative of my life?” How did you create your story with different chapters, pages, and words. It is mainly about becoming who we are – not what we should be. Questions are highlighted: what are my roots, who were my ancestors, what are my abilities, hidden pains, strong beliefs, etc. We create the ground from which to start the journey. Cleaning and getting rid of the old patterns sometimes is needed.
In the second weekend, we work on mission, passion and calling, creating the uniqueness of oneself, which will transform to own purpose. We are exceptional, unique and outstanding – based on our history, our biography and our experiences. We are like a precious paintings by the old Italian masters – made up by thousands of small brushstrokes. You meet yourself in creation and challenge, being in the void where new wholeness can flourish.
Finally, on the third weekend, you head back “home”, creating your own life project based on your true self and acceptance of the past, filled with individual purpose and creativity, trusting the process of life. Whatever your individual project looks like, it’s part of you. You get to know yourself better, your fellowship and the meaning of your life.
The journey begins.
Working method in the workshop
The workshop is not a purely cognitive treatment of the topic! To understand something is important, but it is not enough for change processes.
Therefore, in the workshop we will create:
- Space for personal encounter and exchange
The workshop is a “safe place” for you to talk openly about your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Personal experiences of success and doubts have their place here.
- Space for support
The workshop offers you the opportunity to be heard by other participants, to listen and to share your experiences with others.
- Space for recognition
The workshop is not about evaluation, not about right or wrong: it is about your personal experience. About your strengths and weaknesses as a person with dreams and supposed failures.
- Space to learn
In the workshop you will have the opportunity to ask questions, develop answers together, look at beliefs and illuminate new paths.
Work techniques
The workshop will be designed together with you as a cooperative project. We will not only talk (rationalize), but also feel, use our creativity and feel our whole body (embodiment).
In the group we work in an appreciative, accepting, benevolent and critical-supportive way.
We respect ourselves and the other participants in their strengths and weaknesses, give feedback and respect each other’s limits.
Description of the training curriculum
Curriculum title: Narration of my life and the meaning
Curriculum group: 0031 personal development
Conditions for starting studies: free preliminary interview, where you can ask questions related to the course to ensure sufficient information and a supportive environment for course participants.
Target group: the course is for adults who want to discover their story of development, to raise awareness around the patterns and find their own voice in creating new meaning in life.
Curriculum length: 50 academic hours
Language: English
Goal: the aim of the course is to deepen awareness of one`s own existential responisibilty for creating a meaningful life and to discover the possible obstacles in the way.
Learning outcomes: after completing the course, the participant is more aware of one’s relationship dynamics, behavior patterns and barriers . Can analyze oneself better and manage one’s behavior. S/he has more choices in how to respond to different situations in life and has created a vision of the future prespectives.
Learning methods: sharing experiences, lectures, discussions, body-work, practical exercises, imaginary journeys and experiments to encourage deeper self-analysis.
Learning environment: training room in House Tasapisi Tasakaal Graniidi 1 in Tallinn. The maximum number of students is 12. Coffee and tea breaks with snacks are included in the course price.
Graduation conditions and certificate: a certificate with course data is issued to the student by completing the course.
Course leaders: Gestalt Therapist and Organizational Consultant Kaire Talviste and Social Scientist, Gestalt Therapist and Coach Oliver Baiocco.
You are welcome to join the course if you have sufficient knowledge in English to take part of the training.
- Special price of 540.- for registrations before 3.03.2023
- Full price 590.-
- Course deposit half of the fee shall be paid after registration.
- The participation fee can be paid in two installments, the second part before the start of 2nd cycle.
If for unexpected reasons the course can`t be started at promised time, we will find new dates as soon as possible. Participant has the right to withdraw from the commitment to the course and get back the deposit money or s/he can also use it for registration to the next course.