Kaire Talviste-Baiocco
Gestalt Psychotherapist, coach, writer, M.A.
Therapy aims to achieve insight and move from survival mode to living mode.

I work as a Gestalt Psychotherapist in Estonia with individual clients, families and couples, arrange international therapy groups an seminars with Oliver Baiocco.
We all make conclusions out of our life experiences and through this we also create psychological wholes. This where our behavioral patterns stem from.
There have been times when the patterns have helped us survive some difficulties, but at one point they are not necessary anymore and start hindering our living potential. The aim of Gestalt Psychotherapy is to become aware of our inner patterns through the HERE and NOW experience and reach more freedom as oneself and also in relations.
You are welcome to contact, if you:
- are going through some hard processes and need support;
- you are yearning for more clarity about yourself and your relations (as a partner, as a parent, at work situation);
- you want to experience more joy and fun in your life and relations.
face to face and online therapy
in Estonia: Tallinn, Rakvere, Kohila
Languages: Estonian, English
GSM +372 5880 5077
Asula 3-110, Tallinn
Oliver Baiocco
Gestalt Therapist, coach, Social Scientist, M.Sc.

I am a Social Scientist M.Sc. and Gestalt Therapist. I work with individual clients and couples, arrange therapy groups and seminars.
The challenges in our everyday life and in professional world have increased in last decades. The question arises how can we cope with all requirements and changes?
- What changes I have to face personally?
- What are the resulting requirements for me?
- What wishes and visions I have for my life?
- What are the obstacles on my way?
- What resources do I have?
Changes are normal – they were and are still part of our life and until now you have coped it very well. I take it for granted that you have a big scale of experiences and you got through some crises.
There are also some challenging situations where you need support for to overthink your way of behaving and to develop new strategies and responses. I am here to support you in discovering your “blind spots”, to get rid of old ballast, to generate new goals and finally to dare to do the first new steps.
My strengths are in creating a meaningful contact, taking into consideration you holistically (body, mind, emotions) and in highlighting contradictions, which are hindering you. I am relation oriented therapist and my work is relying on acceptance, open communication, empathy, and honest perceptions.